
Twitter/Insta: @DALynch146

I am a teacher, theologian, musician and songwriter. I teach tertiary Theology and secondary Religion. In secondary school, I have had the roles of Head of Religion, Director of Mission and Head of House. My own academic interests are in Theology, Music and Songwriting, more broadly, Theology and the Arts, with a particular interest in feminist and queer approaches. I also work in Mission, Liturgy, Religious Identity and Culture, and Religious Education.

I am interested in all things that help to make us who we are. I started this blog as a means of thinking through the meaning of stuff in the world – music, films, books, religion – particularly as it relates to my role as an educator of young people. These things are an important part of the way we construct our identities and live our lives. If theology is faith seeking understanding or the search for answers to ultimate questions, or both, it is a discipline that permeates all areas of our lives.

I have been working to listen to a greater diversity of voices on issues of race, gender, sexuality, amongst others – identities that have been used as tools of oppression. Overarching this has been a broadening study of narrative as meaning-making, and ever-greater acknowledgement of the particularity of my own experience. The most important work we can all do is to do our part in dismantling systems, structures, doctrines, and cultures – small and large – that deny others the right to live their truth, to express authentically who they are.

My book on music and theology God in Sound and Silence: Music as Theology (2018), has been published by Wipf and Stock. You can buy it on Amazon in Australia, the UK and the USA. My album Into Silence was released in 2020 and is available for streaming in the usual places, including Spotify and iTunes, and to purchase on Amazon in the UK and the USA. Contact me directly to buy a copy of the CD.

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